In-Service Training Event in York

ref & player   Referee In-Service Training & Development Workshop – Mon 21 Oct 2013

Dealing with Dissent from Players & Club Officials    

An interactive workshop on how to deal with Dissent, especially during the early stages of a game.

Venue – York University – Alcuin College East Wing Room -104, Siwards Way, off University Road (YO10 5DD)

Parking is free of charge in the North Car Park 19.00 – 21.00


Book your place now by contacting NRCFA (01642 717770 or email

RA 2013 Conference Booking Form available

The Referees’ Association 2013 Conference will be held on 5 and 6 July 2013 at the Hinckley Island Hotel.

The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Honouring the Past, Building the Future’.

The RA Conference is FREE to attend for all full RA members although there are limited places available so tickets and workshops must be booked in advance. Find out more at the April branch meeting, or download the booking form using the links below.

Whether you intend to come for the Saturday only, or will be attending the whole weekend, there will be other York RA members – and plenty of other referees (including the Premier League officials!) – to socialise with.


There are a range of workshops to choose from, and this year’s topics are:

  • The role of the assistant referee in the 21st Century
  • The role of the referee in managing the game in the 21st Century
  • The role of the referee assessor in the 21st Century
  • Dealing with illegal use of the arm in the 21st Century
  • Judging tackles in the 21st Century
  • Fitness, lifestyle and training for the 21st Century referee
  • The role of the RA in the 21st Century

We hope there will be something for everybody to learn from!

Saturday Lunchtime Arrangements

As you will see from the booking form there are a number of options available for lunch at the hotel you are free to choose from. However, most York RA members traditionally head to a local pub for lunch on the day, so you may wish to consider joining us for this instead.

Find out more and book your place

For more information, and the full booking form, please download the Conference 2013 Booking Form and return it to RA Head Office. It would be great if you can let the branch know you’re attending in advance, so travel arrangements can be shared or people can meet up on the weekend.

Previous attendees will also be more than happy to answer any questions at the April meeting.

Lol Cussons Presentation Night

Many referees and partners plus other guests attended the event at St Clements WMC on Friday 15 March 2013. This was the third annual event to commemorate referee Lol Cussons.

Live entertainment, plenty of food and the obligatory bingo….a good evening. Dave Cussons hosted the event and also presented York RA with a cheque for £200.

The presentation of the Lol Cussons Award was made to Graham Bradbury.

Here, have a polo mint

Here, have a polo mint

RA National Conference

The next Conference is once again in Hinckley.

It is being held in the weekend 5-7 July with the main conference on the Saturday 6th July 2013.

The theme is basd around the FA’s 150th anniversary.

Come along to the Saturday session…it’s free.

Pig Racing – Friday 18 January

Pig Racing

Yes you read it right.

York RA is hosting a Pig Race Night on Friday 18 January 2013 at the York Hospital Social Club. Price is just £5 each (including pie and peas…no bacon sandwiches).

Please come along and support the event….sponsor a pig or just have fun on the night!

You can find out more about the RA’s Events on our Events page.