Meeting minutes – 8 December 2022

Minutes of meeting held at NHS Club

Held on Dec 8th 2022


With 24 members and guest in attendance.

The chairman welcomed all, including two new members to the meeting who were introduced to the meeting. He mentioned that Mr Askey was the first manager to go before he had attended our meeting.

Apols were received from Mssrs : Messias; Bayley; Gordon; Simpson; Coote; King; Smith; Rich; McEvoy; Blakey; Kay; Hall; Gibson; Naylor.

Dinner:  Mr and Mrs Howard Webb had been approached and both had accepted. This is subject to future commitments by both.

Safeguarding; Barry Casterton York RA safeguarding officer gave an update re; Silent support weekend; Safeguarding and DBS registrations; Improvement in discipline reports.

Membership, John Ledgeway outlined benefits of the RA. Membership 36.

There then followed a discussion on the World Cup.

We then split into teams of four for the Annual Quiz hosted by Conor Ledgeway. This was enjoyed by all with 62 questions and all answers in the 50s, making it a close finish.

Thanks were given to Conor, the buffet then followed.

Next meeting 5th Jan.

Chairman wished all best wishes for the festive season and New Year.

Meeting closed at 9.25

Posted in Meetings.